terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2011

Self inflicted

"With each scar there's a map that tells a story
what a souvenir of
Young love's like jumping out an airplane"

segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2011

Retrospective. That's the spirit!

Today I was reading my older posts,and in most of them I was sad and trying to disguise it with humor and sarcasm (as always) but now, everything has changed: I'm having a great time! I'm not a under age anymore,I have the perfect boyfriend,great friends,nice grades and that's pretty much all ok in my family too (not as much as I wanted to,but no life is perfect right?!).

Like I said,no life is perfect,neither mine with all my happiness! And I don't want it to be, cause I think that if was,it will be soooo boring that I'll have to screw all up to have some fun!
Yes,I could be thinner! but that's a goal I'll achieve soon, I hope! haha

I started with this blog about a year ago and I just see that the number of people I actually want in my life has gone down so much,but I've finally realized that they are the only ones I really need. I'm sick of being forced to spend time with who I don't want to be around.

"keep your friends close and your enemies even closer" - Hell no! I want my friends close and my enemies burning in hell far far away from me,somewhere near Wisconsin I guess..


PS: I'm seriously thinking about posting here more often.. It's really nice to read this after a while

sexta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2011

My favorite (random) quotes #2

My favorite (random) quotes #1

O telefone

"Às vezes penso que qualquer um poderia sobreviver apenas com litros de água e um telefone por perto.Quem foi que disse que seriam os cachorros os melhores amigos do homem? Das mulheres, pelo menos, eu sei que o melhor amigo é a invenção de Graham Bell. Só que essa maravilhosa invenção pede algumas regras básicas de manutenção: mais vale uma ligação na hora certa do que um caminhão de flores. Tanto quanto uma ligação malfeita poderá lhe custar mais baixas que a batalha de Waterloo.
E aguardem um minutinho que estão me chamando no telefone."

E. L.

sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011


pra você haha